Quelle (1990) Celebrating the 150th birthday of the invention of photography the Amsterdam based artist space W139 invited me amongst others to produce a work related to this celebration. Due to this invitation I started wondering how the eye sees a photographed or printed image. And how this retinal processing relates to the peculiar materiality of the photograph itself and the depicted object(s). In other words: how is it possible that we consider a picture for a representation of the real. How does the fetish of photography work?
Finally I came out at a laboratory that made a microscopic image of the moment that the chemical fixative merges with the developer fluid. It's this strange materially seen mutual process of exclusion that still makes the picture perceptible. I used it as a metaphor for our understanding of the world by the senses and the brain: also based on a peculiar paradox. Recently it has been bought by a governmental organization that places art in public spaces: therefore it can now be seen in a hospital.

Specifications: Dimensions: 1.20m by 0.80m. Material: photoprint and wood.
Exhibited: Artotheek Den Haag, Den Haag, (1993). Purchesd by: Artotheek Den Haag 1993.