CON (1990) This work is questioning the
representational qualities of language in regard of
depicting reality. The metaphors (mirror, looking
glass, see-through etc.) that constitute congruence
between looking and knowing in the generally
vision-based construction of knowledge have been
used here to show a certain relativity concerning
the representation of 'the real'.
In a linguistic play there emerges a pun with the
connotation of 'con' as 'putting together' (as in
construction or connection) but also in its meaning
of betraying someone. And let alone the French
meaning of the word....
Dimensions; 0.90m. by 0.30m., wood, sanded glass,
punctured mirror, wallpaint.
Exhibited: Apunto Gallery, Amsterdam, Holland (1990). Hooghuis, Arnhem, Holland (1990) KunstRAI, Amsterdam, Holland (1990) Galerie Eugen Lendl, Graz, Austria (1990). Steyerischer Herbst, Graz, Austria (1990).
Exhibited: Apunto Gallery, Amsterdam, Holland (1990). Hooghuis, Arnhem, Holland (1990) KunstRAI, Amsterdam, Holland (1990) Galerie Eugen Lendl, Graz, Austria (1990). Steyerischer Herbst, Graz, Austria (1990).