Of(f) (1986/1989)
of the unbridgeable abyss between language and the
world this work plays with the audibly not distinct
able difference between the words of and off. 'Of'
as in connected and 'off' as in disconnected. And
in the audible sphere it is related to the context
to distinguish the undecidable difference by the
act of hearing between of and off. One springs out
of the other.
So text and context are inseparable and it is
difficult to say whether and how one is determining
the other. The same might be said about the
relation between an image and a word. Of(f) shows
that one 'slides' out of the other and that words
create images and images words: man is always
interpreting sensations.
Specifications Dimensions: 1.07 by 1.07m. Material: Meranti wood, silkscreen print on plastic, cutout text on glass.