No Made (1993) In those days the notion of Art in The Public Space came up. To contribute to that debate Stroom HCBK organized the exhibition 'De Campagne' (1993). It was been put up to investigate the contemporary relation between the commissioner and the artist. The artist could choose the most fitting environment for the work and the organization took up all the negotiations to have it all set. At that period I was interested in the relation between the 'interface' of the urban sphere and the behavior of its occupants.
The installment of these two industrially fabricated words (nomad and monad) was done in a way that no man could ever see both words at the same time: one had to move to see. They were deliberately installed on a housing complex that was about to vanish which meant it was all up to the urban dynamics to decide how long it would pertain in the public sphere.
Specifications: Dimensions: 0.80m by 4.40m. Material: glass and freon gas.
Exhibited: Arnhem Museum of Modern Art, (permanent) Arnhem, Holland, (1993), De Campagne, Stroom HCBK, Den Haag, (1993)